Galeria Czsętochowa

Rynek Docelowy/The Catchment Area,
Czestochowa, Poland

Over 66% of the Galeria Częstochowa customers are in working age, nearly half are beteen 25 and 45 years old. Częstochowa is a part of the Sosnowiec- Dabroa Economic Zone, which contributes to the 94% published employment rate of the City. Companies such as Huta Częstochowa S.A. (ironworks), Zaklad Energetyczny Częstochowa S.A. (power station), TRW Polska Sp. z. o. o. (car security systems), Metalplast- Częstochowa S.A. (metal accessories), Lee Cooper Kamex II Sp. z. o.o. (apparel), and numerous others providing a stable framework for the local economy.

The catchment area of the Galeria Częstochowa is about 340 000*. Most notable are the millions and millions of tourists visiting the City each year, making pilgrimages to the world-famous jasna Gora Monastery-, “the Church of the Black Madonna”- and to take part in numerous cultural festivals.

The Galeria Częstochowa is over 70 shops on four levels, 26,000 m^2 in all, including a parking structure for 180 cars. Customers come to the Galeria Częstochowa for supermarket convenience, to shop in its assortment of exclusive apparel, home & specialty shops, and to take in the City’s best view & finest dining in one of its to rooftop terrace restaurants.

Simply put, the Galeria Częstochowa is just about the best location in Poland. Call for an appointment to see for yourself why you need to be part of this exciting new Polimeni International project.

More Information

For further information on available space, please contact:

Joanna Galanis
516-393-9000, Ext. 127